Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Wacky Wednesday....

Ok, I didn't get the memo... WHERE IS EVERYONE?  We have like 6-7 kids who are turning Thursday's day off into a midweek weekend... NO BUENO!!!

  • 1st / 2nd - Math Block
    • Today we started with our healthy breakfast.  Then we moved into finishing our math game we started yesterday.  It is funny, watching the kids they get the math concept, add the two dice and then multiply  by three. The part they don't get is the strategy of getting 4 in a row or BLOCKING the other team from getting 4 in a row.  We need to work on STRATEGY!  
    • Then we collected and went over homework.  Parents, more than half of the students are not doing their math homework.  Please check homework at night for completion.  These skills are REVIEW of what we did in class - so if they don't understand, it is because they didn't pay attention in class or didn't ask for help in class.  We don't want you doing their work!  They are 'practicing' the skill we covered already.
    • We did lesson 12.7 today.  The focus was identifying triangles by their properties.  
  • 3rd / 4th - Literacy Block
    • After having a bit of practice with the spelling words this week by doing an around the world spelling bee, we moved into comparing the two texts we have been working on in literacy.  We compared "WEATHER" with "On This Day in March".  We answered some key idea and detail questions before moving into a comparing and contrasting mode.  
    • We talked about VENN diagrams.  We talked about how each circle represented each book. The place in the middle where the two circles overlap is what they two books have in common.  
    • Students worked to put things in each section.  Things that were unique to Weather, Things that were unique to On This Day in March, and in the middle, things that they have in common.
  • 5th - Lunch
  • 6th - Physical Education
  • 7th - End of Day - Class Novel 
    • After collecting work, cleaning up the room, and checking our homework mailboxes, we settled down to end the day reading THE BFG.
  • Math 
    • GoMath 12.7 Practice/Homework (pp. 739-740)
  • Literacy
    • Reading Comp WK27D2 / Spelling Check
    • Study for Spelling Test on Friday
    • Reading 45-60 minutes each day (AR Friday)

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