Friday, March 24, 2017

Assessment Friday

WE DID IT!  WE finished all of the materials and assessments for Unit 2B today!  Just in time for STATE ELA TESTING next week!

  • Yesterday we did the end of the Unit Exam.  Today for test prep we read the first story from the exam and then worked on the comprehension, vocabulary, and short response from the test they took yesterday.  Talk about powerful test prep and learning from exposure.  It was immediate and direct feedback and we talked each question through so even those who did miss questions understand why.  That's powerful learning!
    • I would also like to add, 2/3 of the class passed the Unit Exam.  The exam is really quite challenging, more so than the State Test.  If the kids can do that well on the State Test, then I am sure I will see good returns when scores come in.  The state exam is just longer.. not harder, just longer!   I am very optimistic that our 501 and 502 superstars are going to show big gains in their learning.  I know they can do it! 

  • Next we went over a few of the student PowerPoint projects, again to review information that made people famous for their courage.
  • I then moved into modeling how to set up an introduction paragraph again (Hook, Topic, Prove).  I then modeled how easy the body paragraph would be using the notes they took, and ended showing how a simple conclusion is formed.
  • Finally, students were given 45-60 minutes to write their PBA.  This is call on demand writing.  They have to read the prompt (we did together), think about what they have learned, and then use the time to write their response.  This is EXACTLY what they will be doing next Wednesday and Thursday on the writing section of the ELA  State Test!
  • Bring Back Signed Pink Papers for Mr. Fernandez about:
    • Math Spring Break Boot Camp in prep for MATH STATE TEST!
  • NewsELA- "The World's Newest Glacier is Growing"

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