Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Rocking Wednesday!

  • We started the class by reading a new text "Man of the House".  We then talked about how the character "showed" he was upset.  The simple answer is "HIS ACTIONS".  Then they had to go back to the text and show two examples of how he was upset.  This is great practice for the writing section of the ELA State Test which is NEXT WEEK!
  • Today was lesson 2B.18, the last lesson for the unit.  We had our mini-lesson comparing the theme "courage of convictions" across the three texts we have read during Module 2B.   After talking about the similarities and differences, and talking about characters who showed courage and conviction through their actions, students worked on filling out a graphic organizer to show that they understood the concept and connections.
  • Finally, students presented their PowerPoint on the hero they selected.  Students took notes on the "what made them a hero" section to use this information in their PBA which will be written in class on Friday.  I gave them the advantage to copy down facts that friends and classmates gathered to show courage through actions.  If they paid attention in class, took notes, their PBA is literally almost half way written.
  • Tomorrow is the End of the Unit TEST!  They will have to read two articles that are similar to what we just read and answer comprehension questions, vocabulary questions, and do a couple short responses to show they learned the concepts covered over the last 18 lessons.  

  • Next Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday are the ELA State Testing Days!  Make sure your children are getting plenty of rest, eating big meals, and are positive and ready to show that all the hard work and effort we have put forth this year was worth it.  Again, I want to make this very very clear... A LEVEL 3 MEANS - I AM ON GRADE LEVEL!   A LEVEL 4 MEANS ABOVE GRADE LEVEL!  Our children should be getting 3's and 4's!  No excuses!
  • Read 30-45 minutes - Log your summary and get signature!
  • Relax and get ready for Unit Test Tomorrow!

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The real-life story of Ivan the gorilla