Thursday, March 2, 2017

Crazy Couple of Days...

This has been a crazy week for sure....

Trip on Tuesday...

Wednesday we had STAR Reading Level Testing and an assembly by Healthy You talking about Test Anxiety and how to combat it.

Today we had an in class assembly with the Turn2Us Healthy You members to review the strategies we learned yesterday in the assembly.  They got to play jeopardy while reviewing the skills and strategies to remain calm and anxiety free during testing.

We had enough time to get through half of Lesson 2B,9.  The focus was on main ideas and how the paintings tied in with the text.  We didn't get to the writing section,but hopefully we can loop that in with tomorrow's lesson and be caught up!


  1. Read 45 minutes, log
  2. Descriptive Details Lesson 2B.9 Worksheet

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The real-life story of Ivan the gorilla