Friday, March 3, 2017

Skill Review Friday

 Today was a pretty straight forward day....

  • Students started by doing silent reading while other students either took, finished, or retook their STAR reading levels.  Parents, I can tell you are not checking to see if your children are reading because many are not moving.  That means they are only reading while at school.  To improve in anything, you must practice!  Set a reading time at home where the family turns off the TV, the Phones, the distractions, and everyone reads for 30-45 minutes.  Trust me, it will make a huge difference in family time and reading ability.
  • We did Test Prep from the Vacation Packet.  We read the next article and then talked about why certain answers were right and others were wrong. It can literally come down to one word being wrong and the answer is wrong.
  • Next we did our Skill Groups.  All groups read the same article, but based on student need and ability, they work on different skills.  The groups are listed above.  Ask your students about the real life article about being trapped on a high floor during a fire.  SCARY!
  • Finally, we moved into our new unit is SS.  The focus today was an INTRO to the United States looking at the different land-forms you might encounter.  We did a couple Map activities to practice using critical eyes when reading any text, map, or document.  
  • Read 45 minutes, log
  • SS - NewsELA "Bessie Coleman" Black Female Pilot (with 4 questions)  
    • Our SS NewsELA articles will be about famous women this month for Women's History Month!

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The real-life story of Ivan the gorilla