Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Tuesday Review

  • We started by going over the second round of questions that went with our Test Prep for the poem "The Grass."
  • Next we did lesson 2B.17 where the focus was comparing and contrasting text structure and main idea of two text Escape to Freedom and Angel Island.  After discussing several comprehension questions to refresh them on both texts, students were released to work independently on 5 questions about the two texts. 
  • We then had a brief mini-lesson on digital projects:
    • Titles
    • Using Bullets
    • Capitalizing names, days, and specific places.
    • Starting sentences with capitals, ending with punctuation.
    • Opinion Slide needs two supporting details.
    • Listed commonly misspelled words
  • Then students had the rest of class to work on their Hero PowerPoints so we could share tomorrow.  The information shared will be used when they write their next PBA starting Thursday and DUE Friday!
  • Read 45 minutes, Log and get signature
  • Comprehension/Vocab "On the Mountaintop / Don't Forget the Stamp"
  • Finish PowerPoint DUE WEDNESDAY!

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