Wednesday, March 15, 2017

The Day After - Where Is Everyone?

Today was an interesting day.  In 502 we had five students not show up today.  That is literally 1/4 of the class that didn't show up.  In 501 we had three students not show up today.  That is about 1/8 of the students not showing up.   We have just 9 days until the state ELA test, and you need to be here!  No excuses!  If I can make, you can make it.

For Test Prep we read an excerpt from The Seeker and then worked on answering a short response question using RACE format.  The students are getting really good at recognizing what makes a 2 and writing with text evidence.  I am proud of their effort and progress.

Next we did lesson 2B.14 in Readygen.  We read pages 106-107.  Our focus was being able to tell me the main idea and with craft and structure, to be able to discuss the text structure and text elements and why the author used them.

After we finished, students worked on their HERO PowerPoint projects (the link for the template is in the last post!).  We will be presenting on Friday so no time to waste!


  • Read 30-45 minutes (even if that reading is on your Hero)
  • Read/Vocab Sheet
  • Work on PPT project

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