Tuesday, March 28, 2017

ELA State Test Day 1 - DONE!

The hardest day is over!  We had five texts to read and 35 questions to answer!  Tomorrow will be less texts, less multiple choice, but will add a few short responses and an extended response.  

Remember, multiple choice counts for 65% of the test, so make sure you read carefully, answer all questions, and do your best.  The short response are worth 2 points (one for the answer, one for the two pieces of evidence). and the extended response is worth up to 4 points!  If you want a four your have to have an introduction that states what you writing about (its in the question bullets), answer all the bullets using text evidence, and a conclusion.  Make sure you use your transition words to make the writing flow, and add some VOICE to make it interesting.   You got this!

Transition Words To Remember!

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