Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Wednesday in Review

  • The day started with breakfast and a quick trip to the Book Fair so students could buy or make a list of books that interested them!  The Book Fair will be open tomorrow during Parent Teacher Conferences!
  • Next we had a really good session of writing short response answers. Students shared their short responses from last nights homework and we looked at it and graded it together.  On a short response you can get a 0, 1, or 2.  Almost everyone who shared had 2's and those who didn't now understand why they got a 1.  With just over 2 weeks before the state test, this is making me feel good!  SLOW DOWN!  Read!  Check your work!
  • Then we did lesson 2B.12.  We started a new article out of the text collection about Angel Island, the immigration station on the west coast that was set up to handle immigrants from Asia and Europe.  Our focus was on using the text to support answers (citing evidence) and main idea and supporting details.  
  • Independent Reading 45 minutes, Log
  • Test Prep - Writing Short Response  Question "Most Beautiful Place"
  • Vocab/Reading Comp Practice  Sheet

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The real-life story of Ivan the gorilla