Monday, November 30, 2015

Day After Break...

The first day back from a vacation (or long weekend) is always a bit of a talkative day for our students.  We keep telling them that they have 2 State Tests in just 5 months - NO TIME TO WASTE!  I don't think they seem to understand exactly how much their performance on these tests matter.  Parents, please talk to your students and let them know how important their attention, hard work, and performance matter on a DAILY basis!

  • 1st/2nd - Math Block
    • After doing number talks and the daily number review (problem of the day) we did the interactive lesson for GoMath 5.2 with the entire class.  Afterward, we broke into groups (based on ranking in STAR Math) to work on different task/processes to meet our learning target for the day. 
    • My group started with a review from Wednesday by looking at word problems.  We reviewed how to use the multiplication tables chart and then started unlocking the problems.  After sufficient practice, they independently completed lesson 5.2.  I checked their work and gave them a stamp in their book if they got it.  If not, they went back to work on problems missed.
  • 3rd/4th - Literacy Block
    • We started with the Spelling Pretest for the week.  The words focus on the LONG I sound this week (i, igh).  After that, we went over the learning targets for the day and then reread the story about the Athabascan Indians, paying special attention to the text features and author's craft.  We asked questions that needed text support, and then went over how to answer short response questions.  
    • Students had to answer a task.  We went over how to turn the question into the first sentence.  How to answer the question.  How to give an example. And how to repeat the initial question as a sum it up sentence.  This is known as the R.A.C.E format of answering questions.
      • Restate the Question
      • Answer the Question
      • Cite evidence (give example)
      • Explain (sum up your answer)
    • If you want to learn more about the Athabascan Indians, Click on this link!
  • 5th - Lunch
  • 6th - Dance with Mr. Nunez
  • 7th - Science
    • Intro to Energy!   We will be studying Energy in science in the classroom as our nonfiction topic.  Today we watched a 10 minute video on SOUND on Discovery Education and then the students had to answer a 10 question (what you learned) assessment.  We will be talking about all the forms of energy, with a focus on SOUND!  We looked at the chapter in the Science Text and discussed the nine new vocabulary words we would be encountering in this chapter.  The students have to look these words up using the glossary tonight for homework.

  1. Vacation Packets DUE WEDNESDAY (NO EXCUSES)
  2. Math - Page 271-272 (McD Group - Just 271)
  3. Spelling - 2 X each Page
  4. Science - pg. 355 (Define 9 Vocabulary Words)

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