Monday, November 2, 2015

Monday in Room 304

I have to admit, I think I am coming down with something.  My body is feeling yucky and my head hurts.  I usually get sick when the weather starts to change, so I am sure my body is confused because it has been going back and forth the past few weeks.  Regardless, I am here and we are learning!

  • 1st period we looked at each question on the Chapter 3 Performance Task.  It is my belief that the students know how to do the processes being asked, they just get bogged down with reading and understanding the questions.  So for the first half of the year, we slow down and read it question by question, underline important words, circle what they are being asked to do, and then they go and solve it on their own.  This is critical for them!  They have to be able to break down the questions.  This modeling and buddy work will lead them to being able to understand how to do this on their own.  I call it my gradual release method.  I will gradually release them and let them do more and more independently when they are ready and capable.  Right now, we share it!
  • 2nd period - We went over the "Show What You Know" from homework and then watched the Math on the Spot video to introduce lesson 4.1 to the students.  The I can statement today was, "I can multiply by 2 and 4".  This method centered around the fact that if you didn't know what a number times 4 was, you probably know what the number times 2 was.. do that and then double it to get the times 4.  For example, 4 x 9 might be an unknown.. but if you know 2 x 9 = 18... just double it 18+18 is 36, so 4 x 9 is 36.  We then filled out a 2's and 4' multiplication table and students worked on practice problems and learning these facts.

  • 3rd - We went back over the lesson for 1B.8 since we rushed on Friday due to the length of time it took for testing and then lack of attention after lunch.  But that is neither here nor there, we needed to go back , so we did.  We read pages 20-22 with a focus of "I can closely read text for key ideas and details."  We read the last section of the book and then looked at key questions that required them to look back for evidence, but also to make inferences.  They had to decide why roots were important to just not plants, but also animals and humans based on the information presented in the section.  
  • 4th - We did some shared writing. The focus today was " I can develop a topic with facts, details, and definitions."  In lesson 5 we started a 3 column chart and have read several articles about Sea Stars.  They have compiled information from the text into their three column charts under the headings "What They Look Like", "What They Eat",and "How They Eat".  They practiced putting information in groups by adding it to the correct column.  They practiced copying just key words and details.  Today, we co-wrote an introduction including a HOOK (to get us interested), an interesting fact or detail (to get them interested and focused), and then a what we will be discussing sentence (THESIS) to inform the reader of the topic.  We color coded it so they could see each part.  Then we co-wrote the first paragraph.  I broke it down so they could see the introductory sentence was the main idea.  How the next 3 sentences gave facts to support that main idea, and the last sentence reworded the first sentence to sum it up. The students had to work on the next  paragraphs on their own.

These last two are the ones they have to do independently.  I gave them the introductory sentence, they have to use their facts to create the paragraph with supporting details from their 3 column chart research.
  • 5th - Lunch
  • 6th - Dance
  • 7th - Spelling Pre-Test!  With a big portion of the class out during 3rd and 4th for pull out, we had to move the spelling test to the end of the day when everyone was here.   We then read from our class novel "Emma Is On the Air" before writing down homework and packing up for the day. 

  • Math - Lesson 4.1 Practice pp.195-196
  • Spelling - Practice 2x each
  • Writing - Write your independent paragraphs we started in class
  • Reading - Independent Reading (IR) for 30-45 minutes

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