Friday, November 13, 2015

Windy Friday

  • 1st Period 
    • Ms. Galan for Science
  • 2nd Period
    • We were invited to attend a performance/assembly today in the auditorium. The topic was about eating right, getting enough rest, and not stressing over test anxiety.  Kids learned they need 11 hours of sleep to recharge their brain.  They also learned they need to drink at least 5 glasses of water a day to keep their brain functioning well.  Each child was given a nice bookmark to help them remember what they learned today.
  • 3rd Period - Math 
    • The students had a short math block today due to the assembly.  We did a timed quiz on 2's and 3's multiplication facts.  At this point, they should have their 0's, 1's. 2's and 3's memorized.  The should not be working on their 4's and 5's.  We will test them on 4's next week and 5's the week after.  We then proceeded to do number talks and problem of the day.  We got about 5 minutes into GoMath Lesson 4.6 before Ms. Avalos told the students we would finish the lesson on Monday.
  • 4th - Literacy Block
    • We did lesson 1B.14 today in ReadyGen.  We finished reading our book "Let's Classify Organisms" and then worked on comparing and contrasting plant and animal cells.  We used the section on plants to show how you find facts to support the main idea of a section.
  • 5th - Lunch / Long Recess
  • 6th - Literacy Block
    • We lost about 15 minutes of our literacy block to our extended fun Friday recess. When we got back we did our lesson in writing about the next phase in the writing process, drafting.  We are not quite ready to start drafting, but we were ready to start note-taking.   I passed out graphic organizers to help them keep related information together.  After going over how to do it, they had about 25/30 minutes to start re-reading their articles and putting facts into the three categories they want to talk about.  For example, one category might be "what they look like".  Another might be "what they eat".  Other examples might be "how they hunt" or "where you can find them".  They had to look at their information and decide what they wanted to SHARE in their news article they will write for their PBA next week.  
  • 7th - Wrap Up
    • We passed out homework, let them continue to work on their SchoolIn turkey coloring contest entries, and Ms. Avalos read to them from our class novel "Emma on the Air!"   We are almost finished with both the coloring project and the book!  We cleaned up the room and got ready to go home.
  1. Writing - Continue putting facts/details into three graphic organizers for drafting next week!
  2. Math - Practice your 4's and 5's multiplication facts
  3. Writing - Fill out your "Thankful Card" for our door display for the holiday.
  4. Read - Independent Reading for 20-30 minutes each night!

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