Monday, November 23, 2015

Monday Before Thanksgiving Break

Considering we are just a few days before break, I am really proud of the hard work the students are showing.  We have had a busy day of assessment and for the most part, the students have been working hard and behaving quite well.

  • 1st / 2nd - Math Block
    • We started the class by doing a number talk using bigger numbers to subtract.  It is nice when you can start to see the strategies and ideas discussed get used by the students.  It has been slow, but I can see that there are some students who are getting it.
    • We went over the homework (Chapter Test/Review).  We told students on Friday before they left that if they had any questions on homework to CIRCLE IT... and we would make sure they got it before the test.  We only had to stop and focus on about 5 problems from the homework, so that is a good sign.
    • Students had the remaining block to work on their Chapter 4 Test.  Walking around it was pretty clear that the students are NOT practicing their math facts.  We have to learn them.  It is just that simple.  Practice with flashcards.   Write them down.  Listen to the multiplication rap.  Do whatever you need to do to get these facts to be automatic!
  • 3rd/4th - Literacy Block
    • Today was all about completing the News Article on a living thing.  Some students finished within the first half of the block and were allowed to read independently, take AR tests, and use the ipads.  
    • The rest of the students continued working until we were ready for lunch.  Students who are not finished will turn in their work as is.  They have had over a week to complete this task.  On the state test they only get 90 minutes!  Students who didn't do it will not get recess until their article is completed.  
    • We ended the literacy block by looking at a preview of Unit 2A.  The focus will be writing a narrative.  We will be reading the novel "A Year of Miss Agnes" and the students will have to, based on what they know about the characters, write what MIGHT happen after the book ended (sorta like the NEXT chapter).  

  • 5th - Lunch
  • 6th - Dance with Mr. Nunez
  • 7th - Upon returning from dance, Mrs. Avalos passed out the Math Homework (Multiplication Turkey) and I passed out the Spelling Review and Reading/Language Work.  We went over all homework and then students were able to finish their writing assignment or quietly read.  

  • Math - Turkey Practice
  • Reading - Capitalizing Names
  • Spelling - 2 x Each (REVIEW LIST)

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