Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Working Hard Wednesday!

  • 1st and 2nd - Math Block
    • Today our focus was on the multiples of 8. We started the day looking at subtraction using mental math strategies in our Number Talk section.  Then we also practiced subtraction in word problems with our Daily Number Talk.  After watching the warm up interactive lesson on GoMath 4.8, we broke into groups and worked on lesson 4.8.
    • In my small group, we got out counters and made groups of 8.  1 group of 8 is 8, 2 groups of 8 is 16, 3 groups of 8 is 24.  We then wrote down all our 8 facts from 1 - 10 so they could visualize how many each number was.   Then my group did the Reteach page for Lesson 4.8 which was practicing the facts of 8 they just worked with.  Once done, they went to ThinkCentral to do the assigned activities.
  • 3rd and 4th - Literacy Block
    • We started the block by congratulating Marlena and Chantal for getting 100% of the spelling pre-test on Monday.   Then we went around the room having a spelling bee to see who has been studying their list and who hasn't.   Then we did our floor work which was discussing ReadyGen Lesson 1B.17 which was about comparing and contrasting our three texts.  We looked back at all three texts and were able to use the texts and our understanding to answer questions about them!  We then broke into independent reading, they read their book for 20 minutes the book of their choice.  During that time, Mr. Johnny, Mrs. Avalos, and myself pulled students to read and conference to make sure the book is just right and that they are comprehending.
    • We then had our writing lesson of the day which was looking at how to write an informational paragraph.  We reviewed the parts of an introduction.  We talked about the importance of a Hook.  How to introduce the topic with details.  And finally how to narrow your discussion by stating three things about the topic you will be covering in your article. Finally we went over the editing checklist to make sure they know what they are looking for during editing.
    • We broke into Writing and Mr. Johnny and Mrs. Avalos worked with students who were having difficulty with the task.  I worked with students on editing their products and adding their introduction and conclusion.  We are hoping to be finished by FRIDAY so we can type on Monday.  I have decided to leave a majority of class on Friday open for working on their writing project.
  • 5th - Lunch
  • 6th - Gym
  • 7th - Last Period
    • Today is the last day to work on your Schoolin Art project.  I have to mail them so they have to be finished today.  Mrs. Avalos finished reading our class novel "Emma on the Air" and some students started taking the AR test.
Math: GoMath 4.8 Practice/Homework pp. 239/240
Reading:  Exit Slip
Writing:  Work on PBA
Spelling: Practice Sheet

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