Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Tuesday in Room 304

  • 1st/2nd Periods - Literacy Block
    • I picked the little ones up at 8:15 and we were working by 8:20!  It was a good morning in terms of what we were able to accomplish.  Ms. Almarante picked up her students and then the rest of us worked on our Word Word (Word Ladder).  
    • After word work, we moved to the floor to go over Unit 2A.  We went slide by slide discussing what was coming up, what we needed to learn before the performance based task at the end, and talked about the levels of the texts and how they will have to pay close attention and ask questions because they are hard this unit.
    • Finally, we went to the matt to do our close read.  We had quite a bit to read today.  We read all the pages and right when we finished BING BING BING - Fire Drill!  That ate up 15 minutes of our block, but we got back in time to go over how to use a graphic organizer to show main idea and supporting details and to go over the comprehension questions for the read.  
  • 3rd/4th Periods - Math Block
    • We started the math block with a number talk.  Still focusing on using mental strategies to subtract ever increasing numbers.  After number talks, we did a quick daily number review and then set the desk up for the Performance Task for Chapter 4.
    • Mrs. Avalos read each question out loud to the students and gave them time to process and work on each question before moving to the next.  
    • With a little time left over before lunch, Mrs. Avalos read from our class novel to calm the children down after a test. 
  • 5th -  Lunch
  • 6th - Science with Ms. Galan
  • 7th - Catch Up Block
    • After returning from Science - we took the time to have the students test on our last AR book, We went over the parts of the story, refreshed the main characters, setting, and plot, and then let them take the test.  We ended the day with quiet Independent Reading, and copying down homework.
  • Math - Chapter 5 Show What You Know (pp259-260)
  • Reading - Lesson 2A.1 Written Response
  • Spelling - Practice for Review Test

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