Thursday, November 5, 2015

Short Day Thursday

  • Today was a FAST PACED day...   We started getting ready for ReadyGen when ... BING BING BING we had a FIRE DRILL!  When we finally got back in the building we got to our lesson 1B.10.  Today we used the text to find information on three topics.  It was nice working together as a class to find information from our text to add to our class 3 column chart.
  • We broke into independent reading groups and the kids read for 14 minutes silently.  If they had finished a book, they were allowed to take their AR test and get a new book.  After finishing their reading, they were supposed to take 10 minutes to write their summary reflection, but it took more like 20-25 minutes. (TOO LONG!)

  • We had lunch from 10:30 - 11:00
  • From 11:00 - 11:30 we read our class read aloud novel, passed out homework, and wrote down homework.  
  1. Math Handout: Practice 5's
  2. Spelling: Practice Sheet 
  3. Reading:  If you didn't finish your summary response, due tomorrow

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