Friday, March 8, 2019

Friday, March 8th

  • 1st - 3rd:  Math Block
    • Today was a "catch up" and "move forward" day all in one.  We played catch up with Test Prep for the week (sessions we missed), and then we did the Chapter 8 summative task (scores are on teacherease already).  After that we did our FRIZ #14 (scores are on teacherease already).  Finally we moved to GoMath Chapter 10 (Two - Dimensional Figures).  We did lessons 10.1 and 10.3.  The focus was on lines and angles.   We did A LOT!  
    • For homework the kiddos have 10.1 and 10.3 practice pages.  They also have a double sided handout on types of lines and types of angles.  GO SLOW!!!!  We are making too many careless mistakes and not checking work.  THROWING AWAY POINTS!  No more I say!!!
  • Popcorn Break!
    • The kiddos worked really hard today so I popped some popcorn and we had a 10 minute little snack break to relax, relate, and release a bit.  They snacked on their popcorn and talked to their friends... they earned it!
  • 4th-5th - Literacy Block
    • Our focus in reading has been looking for the meaning / lesson the author wants us to learn in our book THE TIGER RISING (also known as the THEME) and we have been discussing universal themes that show up often.  In after school we have been looking at plays and poetry so I decided that for today's Friday Skill Review, we would combine the two and do determining theme in poetry.  Students worked with Ms. Montalvo, Mr. Nunez, Ms. Young, and myself to read, interpret, and analyze a series of poems through discussion and questions.  We didn't quite finish so they have one or two pages in the packet to finish for homework.
  • 6th - Lunch
  • 7th - P.E. with Mr. Hoffman where they did fitness testing.
  • Math
    • Go Math Practice 10.1 and 10.3
    • Double Sided Math Sheet (1-types of lines  2- types of angles)
  • Literacy
    • Finish packet on Theme in Poetry
  • Reading
    • Read for 45 minutes EACH NIGHT and log in reading log, write in journal

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