Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Wednesday, March 27

  • 1st / 2nd - Math Block
    • We started by going over the homework from the night before.  We paid special attention to just distinguishing the angle.. then making sure our answer fit the angle.  
    • Next we did the last lesson from Chapter 11 - Lesson 11.5 which was using what we learned to answer word problems and problems with other shapes.
    • Finally, we took a step back and went back to measuring and drawing angles and making sure that we have that tricky skill mastered.  More work to be done here for sure!  You must make sure that your measure matches the type of angle you are measuring... THINK!
  • 3rd - ELA Block
    • We started reading chapter 2 of Johnny Tremain before heading off to PE.
  • 4th - PE with Mr. Hoffman
  • 5th - ELA BLOCK
    • We finished section two and then did our mini-lesson on text structure for nonfiction texts.  Then we did session 1 in our Reading American History Unit.  We passed out three articles on the causes of the Revolution and talked about how we will be researchers for the next month. After looking at the articles, we branched off into independent reading so that students could start reading their articles and mini-books to start gaining background knowledge of the causes of the revolution before we start doing our research report.
  • 6th - Lunch
  • 7th - Social Studies
    • Chapter 5 - Lesson 1
    • Causes of the Revolution up to the Second Continental Congress!
    • Liberty Kids - The Second Continental Congress
Math- GoMath Chapter 11 End of Chapter Review 
ELA - ELA Packet Day 3

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