Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Wednesday, March 13th

  • 1st/2nd - Math Block
    • Super Size session today.  We did two lessons today, lesson 10.5 and lesson 10.6.  Lesson 10.5 was recognizing line symmetry, and lesson 10.6 was finding and drawing lines of symmetry.  They go hand and hand so we did both lessons together.  
  • 3rd - CGI / Writing
    • We did our CGI and Test Prep and moved in reviewing our writing.  We went over the self assessment rubric and were about to start working on using the rubric to self assess when EVACUATION DRILL!   We cleared the building in 4 minutes!  Pretty good!
  • 4th - PE
  • 5th - Writing
    • Did our mini lesson for session 19 - using commas and then students broke into partner groups to start their work.  Students used the self assessment rubrics to see what they needed to improve.  Partners then read the same essay and gave their feedback using a colored pencil to see if they agree or disagree.  Students will work on looking at rubric to make sure they have the best essay they can have for publication.
  • 6th - Lunch
  • 7th - Social Studies
    • Chapter 3, lesson 2 and 3 (playing catch up due to the musical!)

  • Math 
    • Mid-Chapter Checkpoint pg 573-574
    • Lesson 10.5 - Practice pg 579-580
    • Lesson 10.6 - 585-586
  • Reading
    • ELA Packet Day 3 - Summarizing
  • Writing
    • Final Edits/Revision for Compare/Contrast Lit Essay
    • Publishing Final Draft tomorrow in class

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