Thursday, March 28, 2019

Thursday, April 28th

  • 1st / 2nd - Math Block
    • Today we went over the End of Chapter Review from last night's homework.  It had a lot of the same questions that were on today's Chapter 11 Test.  I can tell who was paying close attention to the review, because they missed questions we covered in the review on the test.  This is a problem.  Attention to detail and precision is something you have to work toward.  I hope that they saw the direct effects of not paying close attention to reviews and homework.
    • Students took the Chapter 11 Form A Math Test today.  After taking the test, they input their answers into ThinkCentral.  You can have them log in from home and show you their test and their answers.  Scores are on TeacherEase.
  • 3rd - Art
  • 4th/5th - ELA Block
    • Students spent 25-30 minutes being researchers with the articles and mini-books they have been given to use for our American History Research Unit. Then we came in and did a test prep review of the difference between TEST STRUCTURE and TEST FEATURES.  
    • Next we read another section of our class novel "JOHNNY TREMAIN".  
    • We ended our block by reading an article about what led up to the French Indian War and students practiced reading, paraphrasing, and taking boxes and bullet notes which they will need for their research project and writing unit.  
  • 6th - Lunch
  • 7th - Social Studies
    • chapter 5, lesson 2
    • Liberty Kids - Battle of Bunker Hill
  • ELA Packet Due Tomorrow - Finish and Check all Sections
  • Math
    • Exemplar Task - Finding the Angles
    • Exemplar Task - Acute Angles


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The real-life story of Ivan the gorilla