Monday, March 25, 2019

Monday, March 25

  • 1st - Dance with Mr. Nunez
  • 2nd / 3rd - Math Block
    • Today was a REVIEW day for Angles.  We reviewed how to measure using a protractor and how to draw angles using a protractor.  After looking at the work done today, a good half the students need more work on this so we will retouch it tomorrow before moving on.  
    • We also did the Mid-Chapter check to make sure we have lessons 1-3 mastered before doing lesson 11.4 and 11.5 to end the unit.
  • 4th - Writing
    • In getting ready for our new unit in Writing About History, we created little AMERICAN HISTORY MINI BOOKS.  
    • The books are on:
      • The American Revolution
      • The Boston Tea Party
      • The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere
      • George Washington
    • These mini-books will be our first "texts" to practice taking notes and gathering information for a research report on American History during the Revolution.
  • 5th- Reading
    • New Unit - time to pre-test the students knowledge.
    • We read the two text together and then went over the four questions students had to answer.  Most students didn't complete the pre-assessment, so we will finish them tomorrow.
  • 6th - Lunch and Recess
  • 7th - Social Studies
    • 1/2 the kids went to musical practice and the other half stayed and watched "Paul Revere's Ride and The Shot Heard Round the World" on Liberty Kids.
  • ELA Packet  - Day 1
  • Math 
    • Estimating Angles
    • Circles and Angles



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