Friday, December 11, 2015

Crazy Friday!

Friday was one of those days as an educator where you just... let it go, let it go!! I realized it was just going to be one of those days.. don't fight it... don't get upset.. just roll with it!  Sadly, the students were just a little to talkative to get recess today... and Friday is my favorite recess day because I give them an extra 15 minutes for FUN FRIDAY.  I think this is the first week all year we haven't been to recess at all because of their talking!  Maybe next week we can get outside and enjoy this amazingly beautify December weather!
  • 1st - Mrs. Avalos was not feeling well so she didn't make it to work.  Mr Hoffman was out so instead of having my prep period 1st period (which I could have really used since it was a SOLO teaching day), I had to do a coverage and was with the students during Science.
  • 2nd - We  finally got back to the class for 2nd period, and as we were about to start math the ladies from Columbia Presbyterian came in to do a "how to handle stress" workshop with the students in the form of a JEOPARDY game.  They said they had it scheduled, but I am guessing they scheduled with Mrs. Avalos and she forgot to tell me.
  • 3rd - After the workshop, the kids were a little excited so I decided to not teach Math and to calm them down with 20 minutes of quiet reading (D.E.A.R).  My reading buddies (students I have paired up to promote reading in my reluctant readers) went outside the door in the hallway as I pulled students to read to me and to check their progress.  After that, there was about an hour left before lunch so we reviewed the story they read yesterday for their reading assessment and talked about cause and effect, setting, central message.  
  • 4th - Then they broke into independent work and wrote their writing response for the last part of the ReadyGen assessment.  Those who finished early had the option to read, draw, or study for their spelling test.   The last 20 minutes of class was used to take their Spelling Test for week #10.
  • 5th - Lunch
  • 6th / 7th - Math Block
    • We covered GoMath 6.2 today.  We watched the On Demand Math Video and then did the Interactive Lesson.  After modeling how to take a number and make groups out of it, the students worked on their independent work.  Mrs. Baez was visiting and promised to bring us more counters on Monday so we could use counters to practice and model this process.  I recommended that students talk to their parents and see if they had any dried beans in the pantry.  They can use the beans in the same way to take 30 beans, and separate them into 5 equal groups.. or 3 groups... that is dividing!!!  We also talked about how it is repeated subtraction, just like multiplication is repeated addition
  • Math - GoMath Lesson 6.2 (pp 309-310)
  • Writing - Say What Quotation Practice
  • Reading - 30-45 minutes

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