Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Rainy Tuesday

  • 1st/2nd - Literacy Block
    • We started the day with 20 minutes of quiet independent reading.  We then did our Word Work using Word Ladders.   Today was ReadyGen Lesson 2A.3.  We started reading our new class novel The Year of Miss Agnes.  We read chapter one and two.  Then the students worked together to answer a series of questions before discovering that the book is both a REALISTIC Fiction and a HISTORICAL Fiction.  
    • We finished by looking at a writing task and using the R.A.C.E format to answer it.  We looked at the blog and did the sample.  Then we passed out the homework and looked at how to answer the prompt.  R.A.C.E!
  • 3rd/4th - Math Block
    • Today was the mid chapter check up for Chapter 5.  After the check up quiz, we went over the problems to make sure that everyone is on the same page.  One problem we are having is that students are NOT studying their multiplication facts.  If they don't come up with quicker ways to do them, they will have difficulty with division and fractions. Multiplication is a HUGE Thing!!  
    • One student sure has been studying.  Marlena won the game today and went all the around the world and beat everyone with their facts.  I will have to reach out to mom and dad to see if I can take her to Dave & Busters and a movie, or if they would rather have a Gift Certificate so they can take her.
    • Since we didn't have a new math lesson today, the math homework is to just study their Multiplication Facts.   By now, they should know 2's, 4's, 5's, 1's, 10's, and 0's.  
  • 5th - Lunch
  • 6th/7th - Science with - Mr. McDougall / Mr. Hoffman
    • Mrs. Galan had to leave early so I taught science today.  I made a Informational Text / Coloring Book for them on SOUND.   We had floor time to read the text together since there was a lot of scientific vocabulary to get through.  After reading the text and discussing the comprehension questions, students went back to their tables to answer the questions.  Once they got them all correct, I stamped them TERRIFIC and then they were allowed to color their Sound books.  I wanted to end the day with the coloring activity since they had been in the same room all day (except lunch).  Considering it was a rainy day and they didn't get to have another teacher...they were pretty good for the end of the day!
    • As the students colored, Ms. Avalos read from the class novel, some kids went with Mr. Johnny to work on taking AR tests on the Ipads.  I will admit that I looked around and kinda smiled seeing the kids working hard, listening to the novel, and finishing a long rainy day on a good note.  It made me happy!

  • Writing:  Lesson 2B.3 Handout (Pgs 9-10 in Miss Agnes)
  • Spelling: Choose the Right Word
  • Reading:  Quick Read / 6 Questions 

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