Thursday, December 3, 2015

  • 1st/2nd - Literacy Block
    • We started the day with 20 minutes of quiet independent reading.  Those who have finished books took AR tests and picked out new books.  There are students in the room who do not have ANY AR tests. 
    • We spent the next 10 minutes doing our Word Word by doing today's Word Ladder.  After we were done playing with new words, we looked how they were all connected.
    • Finally, we reviewed chapter 1-4 of our new novel "The Year of Miss Agnes" and then moved into the "writing" lesson.  After looking how they described character, and how their actions effected the outcome of the story, they broke into independent writing stations and came up with a character and a "situation" that they will encounter.  Finally, they buddied up and shared their situations and their partners had to guess what the situation was.  If they couldn't tell, they had to fix it to make it more evident. 
  • 3rd - Math
    • We went over last nights homework and then did Number Talks and Daily Number Review.  
  • 4th - Social Studies
    • We introduced our new chapter today - Unit 2 "Africa".  We looked at the introduction and then brainstormed what we "thought" it might be like to live in a continent as HUGE as Africa.  One of our students told us about his life in Africa and where he came from.  After reading some of the background on the unit, students were tasked to write a "Pen Pal" letter to a new friend in Africa to tell them about life in NYC and to ask them about life in Africa.  This was a great way to discuss different ways of life and cultures and to find out what students hope to learn about African Life. 
  • 5th - Lunch
  • 6th - Gym
  • 7th - Prepping for Visitors
    • We spent the last period of the day going over our classroom and reviewing what we have done this year, how the students are doing, and how they can use the room and its resources to share this with other people.  We MIGHT have visitors tomorrow from the state and we want our students to be shining stars if we are chosen.  We literally wont know until they walk in the classroom.  They will be in the building all day, so even if we don't get picked, we might see them in the hallway, lunchroom, etc... SO BEST BEHAVIOR!!!!  Please make sure that you come to school ready to learn, with a good attitude, and that you are in your full uniform and ready to learn and discuss.  No Bad Attitudes tomorrow!  Smiles and Energetic Learners!!!!!  

  • Spelling: Practice Sheet - TEST TOMORROW
  • Writing: Lesson 2A:4 WRITING RESPONSE
  • Reading: 30-45 Minutes Independent Reading
  • Math:  Practice your 2's, 3's, 4's 5's and 10's Facts

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