Monday, December 14, 2015

Mellow Monday

I don't know if it was the grey sky, or that we had a couple of students absent, but the class was much quieter today.  So much so, we actually went to recess today!!

  • 1st/2nd - Math Block
    • We did number talk today and the focus was finding compatible numbers that equal 10 for quick adding.  We then did our Daily Number Review and went right into Lesson 6.3 of GoMath!  First we listened to Professor Burger give us a lesson on what we would be encountering today before we moved into the Interactive Lesson with Rebekah Rabbit.  After working with Rebekah, we moved into our groups.  The focus is getting familiar with division by putting numbers into equal groups.
    • My group used counters to check last night's homework.  We kept the counters and divided 24 into various groups by doing the enrichment challenge for section 6.3.  After working on the five problems, we opened the book and quickly completed the chart using our counters to make equal groups.
  • 3rd/4th - Literacy Block
    • Ms. Almarante came to pick up her group.  The remaining students quickly took their spelling pretest for the week.  The words this week are USING the lessons we learned in the last four list (Long A, Long E, Long O, and Long I).  They are new words, so the students have to use the strategies we learned to work with new words.
    • The rest of the students grabbed their Year of Miss Agnes class novel and we moved to the reading center.  Today we read chapters 9 and 10.  Our focus continues to be understanding how sequence of events shapes the story and how dialogue can help move the story forward as well.  Today we worked with a TIMELINE in the story to see sequence of events.  I gave the students exemplars of dialogue from the text to practice using it in their own writing.
    • We filled out a graphic organizer together to see how they students could find examples of how Miss Agnes was a unique teacher from the section read.  They did a great job finding evidence in the text.  We ended by practicing writing dialogue between two characters.  Mrs. Avalos and I acted one out, and then I wrote a sample on the board as well.  Students were then tasked to write their own.
  • 5th - Lunch / RECESS!
  • 6th - Dance
  • 7th - Social Studies
    • We have read sections 2.1 and 2.2.   After a quick review, we started section 2.3.
  1. Math - GoMath! 6.3 Practice/Homework pp 317-318
  2. ReadyGen 2A.9  - Written Response Short Response
  3. Reading Comprehension - Dialogue Practice - "SOCCER BLUES"
  4. Spelling 2X each

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