Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Wonderful Wednesday

Due to STAR reading testing, we switched ELA and Math times.  Students typically do better on exams first thing in the morning, so instead of waiting until 3rd, period to test for Star Reading, we just flipped our schedule.
  • 1st / 2nd - Literacy Block
    • When students got to class, we started by collecting homework and then breaking into independent reading time to get them calmed down and focused.   Students read, took AR tests, and finished projects.
    • Students starting taking their STAR test, and since we didn't have enough for everyone, we had to do it in shifts. This takes longer, but the kids did really well.  While half the class was testing, the other half read quietly.  When they finished, the switched and took the test while the others read.  
    • This took up the entire Literacy Block, but looking at the results, we are seeing improvement in reading levels as well as in the students passing AR tests.  The more you read, the better you do in all subject areas.  I spoke to a few students who are not showing the growth I would like and told them I would start checking their reading logs since I am not seeing growth!
  • 3rd/4th - Math Block
    •  We reviewed our vocabulary for this section and then went into our daily number review.  After working through the problem, we moved into Lesson 6.5 for GoMath.  Our target today was to understand how subtraction was related to division.  We used both repeated subtraction and subtracting on a number line to practice this concept.  We watched our On Demand Math Video with Professor Burger, then we did a little play activity with Animated Math.  Finally we did our interactive lesson with Rebekah Rabbit.
    • Before we broke into groups, Mrs. Avalos lead the class in Number Talks - still practicing finding friendly numbers that equal 10 to add mentally.  We then broke into groups to do our daily practice of the skills we learned.  My group used counters to show repeated subtraction and subtraction of equal groups.  
  • 5th - Lunch/Recess
  • 6th - Gym with Mr. Hoffman
  • 7th - Math Wrap-Up and Finish Social Studies - 2.3
    • We used the first 10 minutes to finish up Math and review.  Then we moved back to Social Studies and finished reading section 2.3.  

  • Math - Lesson 6.5 Practice/Homework (pp. 329-330)
  • Spelling - Write the Words Correctly
  • Reading - Comprehension Practice "And It's Out of the Park!"

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