Friday, December 4, 2015

Fantastic Friday

  • 1st - Science with Ms. Galan
  • 2nd and 3rd - Math
    • Today we worked on Lesson 5.5 in GoMath.  It was looking at multiplication facts as multiples in 10.  For example... 5 x 40 we would concentrate on 5x4 (the fact) which is 20, then use the multiple of ten 20 x 10 to get 200. 
    • We broke into groups and worked in various formats.  Our small group worked with base 10 blocks to find that 5 x 40 was five groups of 40, which gave us 20 TENS, which we traded in for 200.  We also learned that saying 18 tens was the same as 180.  
  • 4th - Literacy
    • We had time to take the spelling test and do a Mad Lib to practice our parts of speech.  Then we moved to the reading center and started reading Chapters 5 and 6 with a focus on character's actions and how they move the story in sequence, and how they show their traits in their actions.
  • 5th - Lunch
  • 6th - Literacy
    • We finished reading and then broke into groups to do a Character Sketch for their writing.  One group was given a set of words to separate by good and bad traits, one group was given three thought bubbles to show thoughts and actions of their character to show traits, and the last group was just given a list of traits and had to use them to figure out their character.
  • 7th - Social Studies
    • We discussed the continent of AFRICA, how we would be focusing on one country in it called NIGERIA.  Students picked six countries off of Africa they found interesting, and we wanted them to focus on NIGERIA too.  They colored a map to become familiar with what Africa looks like and just how many countries it has.

  • Math - Chapter 5.5 Practice Pages 291-292
  • Math - Ms Avalos' Group - ALSO DO pg 285-296
  • Writing - Finish Character Sketches
  • Reading:  Read 45 minutes each night
  • AR Test on Monday -  be ready to take AR test on Monday!

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