Monday, December 21, 2015

'Twas the Monday Before Break....

So a couple of students were out today.  I sure am glad we gave out holiday packets on Friday so there is NO EXCUSE for them not to be done!

  • 1st/2nd - Math Block
    • Today's math was pretty easy actually.  Today we worked with GoMath! Chapter 6.7.  Today the students used the strategy that division is the inverse operation of multiplication to solve problems with division.  
    • After the number talk (where the students actually did better than usual!), we did the daily word problem.  We watched the On the Spot video that explains the concept covered for the day, then went right into the Interactive Lesson with Rebekah Rabbit.  
    • After the lesson, we broke into groups and worked on the assignment for the day.  We came back together at the end and went over the word problems to check for important parts, what we needed to do, how to solve, and the correct answers.  
  • 3rd/4th - Literacy Block
    • Today we revisited our informational text - The Athabascans: Old Ways and New Ways. We reread it with the focus of looking for how the two texts were similar.  We looked at what the main idea of the text was, and compared it to the central idea of The Year of Miss Agnes.   
    • After reading the text, we looked at how Miss Agnes used information from the informational text in her narrative.  This is what the students have to do on their upcoming Performance Task.  We talked about the parts of a narrative and then the students broke into independent working to write a paragraph using one of the aspects of the narrative. 
  • 5th - Lunch
  • 6th - Dance with Mr. Nunez
  • 7th - Social Studies
    • Mrs. Avalos worked with the students reading Chapter 4, section 4.  We almost finished the section.  We will finish it tomorrow! After we finish section 4, then we will break into groups and make learning posters. 
  1. Math - GoMath Lesson 6.7 - Practice/Homework pp343-344
  2. Writing - Lesson 2A.13 Written Response
  3. Reading - 30-45 minutes of IR

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