Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Rainy Tuesday

  • 1st - Literacy Block

    • We were supposed to have literacy periods 1 and 2, but the December Awards assembly was during 2nd period, so we only did the reading portion of today's lesson.  
    • We talked about LEGENDS today.  A legend is a traditional story sometimes popularly regarded as historical but in unauthenticated.  In other words, people believe it, but there is no proof it is true.  They are generally passed down from generation to generation and are told mainly through oral storytelling.
    • We read the legend "The Frog Princess" as a group.  Our focus today was the importance of the illustrations on helping the reader understand the story.  We talked about how looking at the pictures can help you see the mood of the characters and the story.  
  • 2nd - Awards Ceremony
  • 3rd/4th - Math Block
    • Today we focused on writing related problems in lesson 6.8 of GoMath!   The students are getting pretty good at seeing that division is just the inverse operation of multiplication.  Today we looked at models that showed that 24 / 6 = 4.  We also noticed that 24 / 4 = 6.  We then looked at what related multiplication problem could we use to solve the same problem.  4 x 6 = 24 as well as 6 x 4 = 24.  All of these are related facts.
    • After doing number talks, the daily number review, watching the on demand video, and working through the Interactive Lesson to unlock the problem, the students broke into math buddies and worked together to do the lesson today.  In groups of two they solved the problems before Mrs. Avalos and I had them come to the front to work the problems on the smartboard.   
  • 5th - Lunch
  • 6th - Science
    • Due to a coverage, Ms. Galan was not with them today for Science.  Instead, we watched "A Charlie Brown Christmas".
  • 7th - Room 304 Holiday Activities
    • Since Mr. McDougall will not be here on Wednesday, we had our class activities today. Good times were had by all!.
  • Math - GoMath Lesson 6.8 Practice - pp. 349-350
  • Reading - Legend Reading - "How A Mountain Got Its Name" 
  • Language - What is a Verb? packet
  • Reading - Read IR book for 30-45 minutes!

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The real-life story of Ivan the gorilla