Thursday, December 17, 2015

Rainy Thursday

Our students really can't handle a rainy day.  They get ants in their pants and have a hard time concentrating.  Even though... we carried on!

  • 1st/2nd - Math Block
    • We moved Math Block up because they had to take the MATH STAR test today.  So we started the day with 20 minutes of quiet independent reading.  This is a great way to calm them down first thing in the morning and get them focused.   We then moved to STAR MATH testing.  It took most of them between 30-45 minutes to complete the online assessment.
    • When they finished their STAR MATH, they were told to move to the Chapter 6 Mid Chapter Check-Up.  After they worked on it for 20-30 minutes, we stopped them and went over the 6.5 homework to check for understanding and then the mid-chapter review to make sure they have a firm grasp before we move to the last lessons.
  • 3rd/4th - Literacy Block
    • Today's focus was making sure that you can ask and answer questions to show you understand the text.   We read Chapters 15 and 16 and stopped many times along the way to clarify understanding, to ask questions, to make connection, and to think deeply about the central message present in the chapter.
    • Our literacy lesson was on the difference between spoken English and proper English and when you would use the different types of language.  Our writing focus was how we could use descriptions to show events in our writing.
  • 5th- Lunch
  • 6th - Gym with Mr. Hoffman
  • 7th - Wrap Up and Social Studies
    • We wrapped up our Literacy Lesson and then moved on to finally finish Lesson 2.3 in Social Studies on Nigeria.
  1. Math - Take Home Quiz
  2. Spelling - Practice Sheet
  3. Reading - Comprehension Practice - "Hitting the Slopes"
  4. Reading - 30-45 minutes of IR

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