Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Terrific Tuesday

  • 1st / 2nd - Literacy Block
    • Today we started with our literacy block.  I picked up homework and was quite shocked that several people decided not to do all their homework.  I warned them yesterday that I was collecting and grading, so several people had to change their strip and were told to get their homework finished at lunch or no recess!  
    • After collecting homework and changing strips, we started with our Tuesday Word Work. The students enjoy trying to figure out the words with the clues.  In the end, they have 10 new words and definitions and have played with words.  It is a great learning experience all around.
    • After word work, we went over our vocabulary words before moving to the mat for reading.  We read chapters 13 and 14.  Chapter 13 was about the Christmas Play at school and the students seeing themselves in pictures for the first time.  Chapter 14 was mainly about Miss Agnes taught reading and how she made each student feel special.  
    • After reading we filled out a three column chart where they had to think about character traits of Miss Agnes, how that motivated students, and what the action or outcome of that was.  We did one together and then they did one by themselves. 
  • 3rd/4th - Math Block
    • Today we continued our number talks with making 10's / friendly numbers to mentally add.  Then we did our daily number review where students had to you a plot graph.  They had to use the graph to answer questions.  They had to also read carefully because it said 2 or more, so you had to include 2, 3, 4, and 5 in your results.  We went over strategies to make sure they did it correctly.
    • We watched the Math on the Spot video where Professor Burger showed us what the lesson would be today.  Then we did the Interactive Lesson with Rebekah Rabbit where we worked through the Unlock the Problem and Activity 2 together.
    • Today, instead of breaking into groups, we turned on the document camera and we had students come up and model how to do the problems using counters.  The students had a good time getting to use the erasable marker on the desk to make groups, then put the counters in the groups.  Don't worry, the dry erase markers come right up with a clorox clean wipe.  We worked all the way through lesson 6.4 before going to lunch.
  • 5th Lunch/Recess
    • Again, several students had to finish homework.  When we went to recess, 4 students still hadn't finished their homework and had to sit out.  But the rest had a great time running off extra energy and playing for 25 minutes! 
  • 6th - Science with Ms. Galan
  • 7th - Social Studies and Wrap Up
    • We did a quick wrap up of math and then copied our homework down from the board. We went over homework and how to do each piece.  Then we packed up and we got out our social studies books and started Chapter 2, section 3.  We got about 1/2 way through before being called to line up to go home.

  • Math - Lesson 6.4 Practice/Homework 323/324
  • Spelling - Circle the correct Spelling
  • Writing - Written Response 2A.10
  • Reading - 30-45 Minutes IR Reading (STAR TEST TOMORROW!)

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