Friday, October 19, 2018


With two days of MOSL and two days of STAR TESTING, today was a "makeup day" for many subjects!

  • Math:
    • Friday Math Quiz - it's called a FRIZ and the math coach gives them out so we can see what areas that we need to work on from past lessons.  The score is already on Teacherease!
    • Since they were very similar lessons, we did mini-lessons for 2.10 (multiplying with regrouping) and then 2.11 (multiplying with regrouping of three and four digit numbers).  Parents, you are going to recognize this as the traditional multiplication method.  We did a lot of teacher modeling and student modeling.  Students seemed to enjoy doing this algorithm.   
  • Writing:
    • We did two lessons today.  The first one was how to punctuate dialogue.  We modeled on the digital camera, looked at samples from what we have read in class (Stone Fox and Come On, Rain!).  Then we did a mini-lesson on how to substitute nouns with pronouns to make the writing more interesting. Students then worked on revising their drafts with these two lessons in mind.

  • Skill Review Friday ELA:
    • Scholastic News - Students read articles from the current issue and did a close reading activity, an opinion writing activity, and took a comprehension test on the entire magazine.  
  • Lunch
  • PE with Mr. Hoffman

  • GoMath Practice 2.10
  • GoMath Practice 2.11
  • Reading Log - Read for 30-40 minutes each night
  • Writing - Final Draft of Narrative onto Publishing Paper
  • Get Progress Reports Signed

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