Thursday, October 11, 2018

Thursday, October 11

  • Reading
    • Today we did TC  Reading Lesson 3.16 with a focus on figurative language.  We went over several different types of figurative language and then had students break into partners to look at some samples of FL from Chapter 7 of Stone Fox.  We discussed what each of the samples really meant and how we figured it out the meaning.  Then students went to practice finding FL in their own Independent Reading books.  Instead of doing running records today, I decided to do a Post It Note book check to see if students were doing their post it notes as they read:
        1. At the end of each chapter to summarize what it was about to show comprehension
        2. Prediction notes (beginning of chapter especially)
        3. Tricky Words (the word, what they think it might mean, what it means)
        4. Wonderings
        5. Connections
    • Many students didn't have ANY sticky notes done.  They are not reading with focus and goals and reading levels will not improve.  Plan your work and work your plan.  Parents, please ask your children to show you their reading sticky notes at home.  If they don't have them.. GET THEM TO DO THEM!
  • Today's special was ART with Ms. Arbello.
  • Math
    • We went over the I can statements and the problem of the day.  Then we checked homework for misunderstandings.  Finally we did GoMath Lesson 2.7, multiplying using partial products.  We did several models, then the kiddos did a few on their own, we checked them, did a couple more models, did a few on their own.. .and then we met back to check our work and make sure everyone was on the same page.  So far, so good!

  • Writing
    • The focus today in TCW 3.11 was when do you make new paragraphs in your writing.  We talked about three places you should make new paragraphs:
        1. new topic
        2. time has moved
        3. new person is speaking
  • We looked at two different samples of student writing.  We looked at where we should start a new paragraph in one that was one big story.  In the other one, the student had already made paragraphs and we had to decided if they did it in the right places.  Once we had practiced, students went off to make paragraphs using these three factors in their own papers.

  • Science
    • We read an article in our science book about The Red Tide and then looked online at articles about how the hurricane off the Florida Coast might effect the Red Tide that has been effecting Florida for the past several months.
  • Math - GoMath Practice 2.7
  • ELA - ELA Packet - Next Text, Multiple Choice Questions, and Short Response 
  • Reading - Reading Log, 30 Minutes or IR, find 1 example of Figurative Language, write it down on a sticky note word for word from text and explain what it means!

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