Friday, October 12, 2018

Fun Friday

  • Math
    • We reviewed the homework from 2.7.  After going over it, we looked at the Mid-Chapter Review to go over all the skills we have learned so far.  Afterward, we went into our math groups and did our Friday Groups.  One group worked on doing multiplication with estimation. The other group worked on multiplication with distributing.  The next group did multiplication word problems (a quiz), and the last group worked with me on the Ipads doing math practice.
  • Writing
    • We read more of our class novel "Strider" and then went over today's less on writing - being your own captain in writing.  We have covered a lot of writing skills and strategies, and now they have to use them.  Go back to the samples.  Go back to the handouts.  Go back to their bookmarks.  Take control of their writing and be their own writing captain.
  • ELA
    • Skills review Friday means - WEEKLY READER!  Today we practiced using sticky notes with our Weekly Reader.  We did a graphic organizer on close reading on the main article about GOOGLE.  Then we did a comprehension quiz on the entire magazine to see how well they paid attention.  Using sticky notes helps them slow down and make sure they understand what they are reading.  
  • FIRE DRILL!!!  
    • We had our fifth fire drill of the year.  Today we had one during LUNCH B, to make sure that if students were in lunch, they would know what to do.  It was in the middle of our ELA Skill Review, so we just had to do our regular.
  • Lunch and Recess
  • Gym with Mr. Hoffman

  • Math - Practice Multiplication Facts 
  • Reading - Reading Log (STICKY NOTES!)

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