Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Tuesday, Oct 23rd

  • Music
  • Library
  • Reading
    • Teacher’s College Grade 4 Unit 2 lesson 1
    • What is nonfiction and how do we read it differently.  
    • New book baggies with updated ZPD’s
    • Filled up book baggies 
  • Scholastic Weekly Reader
    • We revisited and finished the Weekly Reader from Friday that wasn’t completed.  
    • Weekly Readers are great examples of nonfiction texts.  
    • We read the text, looked at the text features, answered questions.  
    • We did the quiz on the back together.  
    • I modeled how to do the opinion writing and then they did it on their own. 
    • Ended with them doing the comprehension quiz from the text.  
  • Math
    • Went over the homework, practice 2.12
    • Did sample performance tasks and discussed how to solve.  
    • Preparing for chapter 2 test and Summative Task. 
  1. Read and become an expert on a topic from nonfiction book baggies  to prepare for tomorrow’s writing pre-assessment writing prompt.  Fill out reading log with time and pages.  
  2. GOMath chapter 2 end of chapter review
  3. ELA homework packet page 2

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