Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Tuesday, October 9th

  • Reading:
    • The focus today TC 3.14 - was "Readers Climb the Hurdle of Hard Words by..."   We went over the ways that readers attack words they don't know...
      • Chunking the Words
      • Thanking about the Story (what is going on?)
      • Asking "Does it sound like  a word I know?"
      • Asking "Does it look like a word I know?"
      • Trying out different sounds (wind/wind, read/read)
    • Students went back to their IR books and looked for challenging words and I continued doing reading assessments via running records.
  • Math:
    • Today we reviewed the math homework on rounding.  Several students have to redo the homework tonight because they didn't follow directions.  Then we went on to do the problem of the day.  Next we moved into lesson 2.5 in GoMath with a focus on using the distributive property to solve multiplication problems. After working out of the GoMath book, we broke into 3 groups and did continued practice in the skill of the day, as well as do a quick quiz on adding and subtracting larger numbers through word problems.  Several students have to redo problems they didn't get right for homework tonight.

  • Writing:
    • The focus today TC 3.10 was how story tellers add to the heart of the story.  We talked about the books we are reading and have read and talked about the heart of each story.  The heart is where most of the action and details need to be.  This is the part that the story lives in.  Students had to pinpoint their heart of their story and go back and add more details, more vivid vocabulary and descriptive words... so that the heart of the story grew.
  • Social Studies:
    • After reviewing the land forms of New York, and looking at a map of New York, students did an activity where they looked at three different maps and had to study them for three things:
      • What they notice about the map?
      • What does the map make them wonder?
      • What do you think the map is used for?
    • We will finish our inquiry next session and then share out what we found out about different maps.
  • Math:  GoMath 2.5 practice
  • ELA Packet: Reread the text, answer page 2
  • Reading:  Reading for 30 minutes, use sticky notes, log reading.

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