Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Tuesday, October 2nd

  • Students started the day with Ms. Young in Music.
  • ELA:
    • We spent 15-20 minutes of our reading block in the Library returning and exchanging books.  There are about 1/2 the kiddos in the class who have not taken an ONLINE Reading Comprehension book on AR yet... CHOP CHOP!  The more you read, the better you become at reading!  Our focus today was "RETELLING".  We reread part of Stone Fox Chapter 5 and part of 6 and then students practiced retelling.  Students then went back to their independent reading books to practice retelling their own book.  ASK THEM TO SEE THEIR RETELLINGS!  They should also have independent reading books with post it notes for reviewing comprehension, making predictions, and asking questions.  If you don't see post it notes in their book.. ask them WHY!!!!
  • Math:
    • Was a whirlwind today.  We started by going over the Math Task they did Friday for assessment.  We went over two different ways to solve it and how to explain your thinking.  Then we went over last night's homework.  Finally, we did the lesson for Gomath 2.2 which was about solving word problem comparisons with models.  We spent  A LOT of time looking at the comparisons and deciding how to create the models to solve for comparisons.  By the end of it, I think we had almost everyone on board.  Homework is the practice page for 2.2.
  • Writing:
    • The focus today was WRITING FURIOUSLY!  That means we had to look at what good writers do, they reflect, they think about how to move a story from point to point, beginning, middle and end... and then they WRITE.... For a long time and with no interruptions... 

  • Number Talk:
    • The students breezed through our number talk but most of the students use the traditional algorithm to solve the problem.  I shared some new ways to solve them by looking for friendly numbers, by doing give and take... so we looked at additional ways to solve it, not just stack and add.
  • Social Studies:
    • We reviewed section 1 in the SS book about Geography in general, and then we read section 2 that focused more on JUST New York Geography.  We learned about the three important rivers for New York (The Hudson, The Mohawk, and the St. Lawrence).  We learned that New York has many plateaus and coastal plain areas, as well as Long Island being the biggest island on the East Coast. Students are also doing a project looking at three major New York Destinations and seeing how these areas compare to the geography of NYC. 
  • GoMath Practice 2.2 pgs. 73-74
  • ELA packet - Read the First Text again, answer page 18
  • Reading Log - read for 30-45 minutes and use sticky notes to show comprehension, predicting, and questioning.
  • Writing - Work on writing your story fast and furious

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