Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Wednesday, October 24

    • We started the day reviewing the Chapter 2 End of Chapter Review.  I made sure to answer any questions the students might have.
    • Then students took the Chapter 2 End of Unit TEST.  After they took the test on paper, I had them log onto ThinkCentral and put their answer into the computer so they could get instant feedback on the problems they got right and missed.
  • PE with Mr. Hoffman
    • After Gym, we went over the test.  I wanted them to have immediate feedback on the test so they could understand the problems they missed.  We spent extra time on problems #3 and and 23 - these were the most missed problems on the test.  They had to do with the comparative aspect of multiplication with word problems.  The problem wasn't the math, it was THE READING!  
  • Read Aloud
    • We read a good section of Strider today.  We are getting close to finishing.  It is nice to follow a character to a new book... and use what we already know about them to make predictions. 
  • Lunch
  • Science:
    • We read a new Nonfiction Science article today, this time on PLANKTON!  Students got to see how important this microorganisms are to our planet.  Then they worked on answering 8 comprehension questions about the article.
  • Math
    • If students scored less than 80% on the test, they have a second chance.  I sent home form B of the test and they can redo questions 1-13 for a chance to bring up their grade.  
  • ELA
    • ELA Packet page 3
  • Reading
    • Continue reading nonfiction book because tomorrow you will have to write all about a topic you know.  READ READ READ.  Use your reading log to keep track of pages and minutes read.

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