Monday, October 15, 2018

Monday, October 15

  • GoMath 2.7 - Multiplying Using Mental Math (using all we have learned to be able to do multiplication problems mentally or with less work)
  • Reading - TC 3.17 - Talking back to the Text (Asking questions about why the author did certain things while you read)
  • Writing - Scholastic News - Yes or No - writing an opinion piece about should schools only be open 4 days a week.  We didn't get to do this on Friday, so we did the mini-lesson, read the article, used the graphic organizer, and wrote our opinion paragraph using details from the text to support our opinion.
  • SS - Finished working in groups to do our Map activity.
  • Math- GoMath 2.7 practice
  • ELA- ELA Homework Packet page 1
  • Reading - Reading Log, use sticky  notes to talk back to the text

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