Monday, October 22, 2018

Monday - OCTOBER 22

  • Math:
    • Did our problem of the day.  Started day going over homework from 2.10 and 2.11.  After working all the problems students had questions with we spent rest of math block doing 2.12, multi step word problems with multiplication and order of operations.  
  • ELA:
    • We had an assessment day. Students had to read two narrative fiction texts and answer 7 comprehension and unknown word questions for each text.  Scores are on teacherease already.  Students were encouraged to read each text, read the questions, then reread the text to find the answers. Close, purposeful reading is the key to comprehension.  
    • Students were supposed to publish their narrative small moment stories over the weekend.  Many didn’t do their homework.  I am not at home to check homework so I need parents to check the blog and check student progress.  Teamwork makes the dream work!
    • Students had to do an On Demand writing prompt that mirrored the work we’ve been doing for the past 3 weeks in class, but this time in just 45 minutes.  
    • Lunch
  • Science:
    • Today we read an article about different types of animals ranging from herbivores to carnivores to omnivores.  We read the text together, discussed the text, and I read each question to the class.  Students who payed attention did well on the comprehension check afterward. Those who didn’t pay attention didn’t do well. Scores are on teacherease.  
  • Homework
    • Math practice 2.12
    • ELA Packet page 1
    • Reading log 30-45 minutes

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