Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Wednesday, October 10

  • We started the day with Breakfast in the Classroom while students wrote down their Math I Can statements and listened to Harry Potter audio book.  This way they could still eat their breakfast but they didn't think it was 'chat' time. 
  • Math was GoMath Lesson 2.6, with a focus on multiplying using expanded form.  This builds on using math facts to multiply.   7 x 123 would now be looked at as (7 x 100) + (7 x 20) + (7 x 3).   700 + 140 + 21 = 861.   By using the area model and expanded form, students are able to gain a deeper understanding of the multiplication process.  We broke into groups to practice the skill and then went over homework, practice 2.6.   Since we are working with multi-digit multiplication - I threw a division problem at them for CGI... they knew what to do, but didn't know how to do it.  It's coming!!! 
  • The reading focus today in TC 3.15 was using context clues to understand difficult words.  We went over The Pledge of Allegiance and The Star Spangled Banner, two things that they know by heart.  The funny part is, there are words in there they have no idea what they mean, but they keep saying them anyone.  We talked about how good readers attack the words they don't know and use different systems to figure out the words.  We practiced with different books and then went off to groups to practice on our own.

  • Gym 4th period
  • After lunch we finished working on our reading skill and I passed out bookmarks for them to use as they read.  They should refer to the bookmarks as they read to remember what good readers do when they get stuck!
  • Writing today was TC 3.11 with a focus on paragraphs.  The goal was to look at paragraphs and know when to start a new one.  Once you know know that, you can elaborate each paragraph and make it better.
Math - Practice 2.6
ELA - Homework Packet Page 3
Reading - 30 minutes, log, sticky notes

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