Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Tuesday, October 16

  • Music
  • Library
  • Reading - TC 3.18 - Raising the Level of Questions to Unearth deeper meaning... in other words, looking deeply into the text to discover the author's purpose.
  • Math - GoMath 2.9 - Solving Multi-Step multiplication problems using drawing and graphs.
  • Writing - TV 3.14 - Writing in a way that readers can replay the events of your life in their head.  We also continued to read our class novel STRIDER so kids could see the types of scenes that allow readers to replay the events you write about.
  • GoMath 2.9
  • ELA Homework Packet page 2
  • Reading Log
  • Writing - Edit your draft to add scenes that other can replay in their mind

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The real-life story of Ivan the gorilla