Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Wednesday, October 17

  • Go over Math Homework and ELA Packet Homework
  • Math MOSL 
  • STAR Reading Test (To get new STAR Reading Level as we finished our first reading unit)
  • PE with Mr. Hoffman
  • Reading - TC 3.19 - Celebrating the end of our first unit.  We finished STONE FOX and had a mini celebration.  Students celebrated (pictures to follow) as we finished the text, wrote a "I REMEMBER" poem about the story, took the AR Test, and added to their reading log.
  • Writing - TC 3.15 - Revising your writing.  We read more of our class novel STRIDER.
  • Math - No Math due to MOSL (No Math Lesson)
  • ELA Homework Packet - Page 2
  • Reading Log
  • Work on Writing Draft by revising 

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The real-life story of Ivan the gorilla